Flowmap based POM Fur Shader SubstancePainter to Unreal Engine 4

Visualize FurPainter Flow in Substance Painter

When i saw the bear's fur in frycry and other games,i always wanna figure out how they do it.Since i haven't find a paper/presentation talk about it,the whole article is just a guess.

Recently when i learned about shader API in SP's ducumentation,i find there is a lib-pom.glsl which contain Parrelax Occlusion Mapping function for DisplacementMap visualization.I known that there is a same function in Unreal Engine's Material Editor.So i search for that and find out they already use them as fur shader like this.As you can see.This fur shader is based on the viewport.So i thought about if i change the viewport vector to a unique vector stored in a texture(known as flowmap),i can make an oriented fur shader.Then i try this.You can check this for flowmap paint in SP.(Only normal channel works for paint flow map which means user0~n doesn't)I aready made the shader in 2018.2,most code is from the function in UE called"Parallex Occlusion Mapping",if you are using SP2018.3,change"input.tex_coord" to "input.sparse_coord.tex_coord" should work.Click this to download the shader.

What it looked like in Unreal Engine 4